Cookie Policy

Biosante uses analytics or known as cookies which are generated solely by Google. Cookies are small pieces of information found on your desktop or other mobile gadgets. They are stored on the hard disk of devices.

By visiting our website, you agree that Biosante may use your cookies with a primary purpose – to maintain your connection to our website.

Beyond that, cookies may help us collect the following information:

  • Your IP address;
  • The date and time of your visit to our website;
  • The used operating system, and browser;
  • The way you access our website.

There are two types of cookies we use on the website. Strictly necessary cookies are there to help you navigate through the website and its features. Performance cookies, the ones which inform the website about analytics, or how you use the website.

Please note, cookies do not collect any sensitive users’ information. It stays anonymous. For instance, the Website can collect data on your visited pages, and searches you proceeded with. It won’t be accessed by third-party websites and reveal your personal identification. Biosante processes the information in order to receive overall statistics of users’ when they surf through our website.

We retain all the collected personal data for 13 months only.

How to Decline Our Use of Your Cookies?

Remember that you can always refuse the use of your cookies. Upon entering the website, you will have an automatic popup that asks you to either accept or decline cookie use. If there is no popup, you can directly set it up with your browser. Yet, when you do it, you will be limited in functionality with our website. For instance, you won’t have personalization such as “Keep Me Signed In” options.