Legal Information

All the information listed on this site is there only in order to keep the readers aware of certain facts. The textual, graphical and other content available on this portal belongs to and is controlled by Biosante. The facts about the company provided on the website page may be a subject to edits and may not be completely relevant at the time of viewing. To get the most recent company information, contact us via the form. In addition, the data on the website may include bold statements that are prone to risks and corrections, which may lead to the wrong perception and require detailed explanations. Biosante undertakes every possible effort to implement data edits and amendments on the website timely and in the fullest manner possible. However, Biosante cannot make any statements that guarantee full and comprehensive analysis of all developments, changes, and edits referring to Biosante. We are not liable in any form for damages, losses, and insufficiencies caused by the information about the company or by the use of this information listed on the website.

This portal is free to mention links or references to other information websites on the Internet for the purpose of providing additional information. Biosante bears no responsibility for the content or security of these third-party websites and the impact of this content on the user. This way, any links to supporting materials exist to make it convenient for users.

If users send to this website messages or use electronic mails to connect with Biosante, the information listed there cannot be considered confidential, so Biosante undertakes no obligations to refrain from publishing or disclosing it in case such a necessity arises. Biosante retains the right to use ideas, concepts, techniques. and other intellectual property information shared in the communication messages. The sender of any types of messages to this website or otherwise to the Biosante Pharma company is responsible for the uniqueness, accuracy, and form of the shared content. Also, Biosante has the full right to delete, edit, otherwise modify or expand the content listed on this website at any time and for any subjective reason without the need to notify the content author in advance.

In addition, the content of the website is not subject to interpretation as an offer, medical recommendation or security statement according to the legislation systems of the United States, Canada, and other North American and other countries. X takes all necessary measures to provide only high-quality content and prevent possible unauthorized changes to the information contained on the website. Any requests adding, changing, altering or reprinting information cannot be carried out without our explicit written consent.