Viagra or Sildenafil Citrate: What Is the Difference, if Any?


Viagra is a very popular drug that increases potency with due effectiveness and is involved in treatment of erectile dysfunction. But this preparation is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. Therefore, sometimes it is even better to buy analogues of Viagra.

Sildenafil Is a Part of Viagra

The composition of Viagra includes active substance, sildenafil, which belongs to the group of specific inhibitors of phosphodiesterase (the fifth type). The preparations from this medicinal group have the same composition as Viagra and are considered to be analogues with the same basic component – sildenafil. They can also be called generics and are absolute copies of Viagra. These medications are also acceptable for use at home.

Sildenafil is the same thing as Viagra, or rather its analogue which is an international non-proprietary name. That is, both versions of tablets between themselves can be considered identical, with a difference only in the form of their release and affordability. The specificity of their impact on the male reproductive system is also considered to be identical.

Sildenafil has the same function and action on male organism as Viagra. Thus, sildenafil has the same range of effects on male body as well. Nevertheless, the composition of Viagra may contain some additional components apart from sildenafil. The difference between these remedies can be only in dosage. Therefore, the question is what is better: pure sildenafil or Viagra containing auxiliary agents? Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy can state that there is no definite answer; everything depends on individual preferences and capabilities of a certain man.

Operation Method

Undoubtedly, Viagra is considered to be a number one agent for treatment of erectile dysfunction and restoration of potency. Most men know how to take it, but still some facts about its action remain unclear. To clarify the situation, it is necessary to specify the principles of its operation in detail.

Viagra’s effect on potency is different from the impacts of other drugs, since Viagra is just a medicine, and not a symptomatic treatment for erectile dysfunction. Many men may think that these blue pills are nothing more than a panacea for men’s sexual weakness. But in order to maintain your own health, it is important to know all the nuances about Viagra and the way it works.

Viagra treats the main cause of impotency, namely inability to have a sufficient erection for performance and completion of sexual intercourse. First of all, it eliminates impairment of the blood vessels that are directly involved in the process of erection. Viagra helps a lot of men who have sexual issues to achieve a normal erection and preserve it for a long time, but only under the condition of sufficient sexual arousal. Warning! You cannot achieve erection if you take this medication without first taking care of a good sexual stimulation and foreplay.

Viagra provides many men with real opportunities to struggle against erectile dysfunction. It is worth mentioning that only in combination with a strong sexual arousal, Viagra will start improving blood supply to penis and filling it with blood for occurrence of sufficient erection.

It goes without saying that after termination of sexual intercourse and ejaculation, penis returns former relaxed state. Thanks to Viagra, there is stimulation of blood flow in small vessels of penis and thus potency increases. To fight impotency, first you need to know its causes.

As a rule, the causes of erectile dysfunction are complex and include a number of factors, such as physiological factors, negative psychological conditions of stress and anxiety. At least any slightest damage to nerves, arteries, blood vessels, muscle tissue or chronic diseases, such as diabetes and hepatitis, pyelonephritis, neurological diseases always lead to erectile dysfunction.

Physiological diseases account for approximately 75% of impotency conditions. But in the remaining 25% belong to psychological factors: depression, guilt, anxiety and troubles at work. But before a man starts taking Viagra as a means to boost potency, it is strictly recommended to consult a doctor. The reason for this is the following: the active substance of Viagra, sildenafil, immediately starts interaction with most drugs, such as nitrates that are used to treat heart disease. Simultaneous administration of these drugs causes adverse reaction of an organism in the form of serious complications.

Nevertheless, application of Viagra has shown good results with male sexual health. It has been clinically proven that more than 80% of patients claim a strong effect and a feeling of deep satisfaction after taking Viagra, whereas about 15% of men still consider its effect to be ineffective and only 5% found it necessary to refuse taking tablets, because their action was unsuitable for their health condition.

Viagra Analogues

As you can see, the effect of this drug on sexual strength of a man in most cases is purely positive. This impact should be carried out only after detailed consultation by a specialist. It is always worth remembering that in the absence of sexual arousal, Viagra’s action will not be effective at all.

Sildenafil/Viagra Effects on Women

Indeed, sildenafil is quite often used by women. The main indications to use of this remedy are existing impairments in intimate sphere. Also, effectiveness of the drug is proved by its application by women during menopause and after surgical intervention performed on genitals.

Achievements of the drug after its administration by women:

  • Increased female libido;
  • Occurrence of sensuality and sexual desire;
  • Increased blood flow in the genital area;
  • Sufficient involvement in the process of sex.

Synthetic Analogues of Viagra

Analogues of such a popular drug as Viagra are the means of both synthetic and natural (based on herbal components) origin. In order to gain Viagra-like effects at a lower price without losing the quality of the purchased product, you can buy its analogue, generic Viagra. This drug was fully certified and tested at the laboratory. The pharmacological properties of branded Viagra and its generics are identical. The drugs restore male erectile function, but do not have any involvement in arousal process. The main component of these drugs is sildenafil citrate that has been used in this field for a long time. Among the inhibitors of phosphodiesterase (the fifth type), some other agents can be used.

Herbal Viagra Versions

Herbal preparations, the so-called substitutes of Viagra, are made of extracts of medicinal herbs. Natural remedies are not so expensive, especially in comparison with their synthetic analogues. A man should apply these drugs for quite a long time within therapy courses. And this means that natural preparations should be used every day, whereas one-time reception of herbal extracts will not have any effect male libido. Therefore, natural analogues will never replace Viagra and its synthetic substitutes. Natural supplements were widely distributed in the form of Chinese analogues. Such analogues contain a variety of combinations of medicinal plants: ginseng root, a variety of aphrodisiacs and other components of plant origin.